




Yasin Yılmaz, PhD

Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL


PhD Students

  • Nghia Nguyen, PhD student, nghianguyen[at]usf.edu, 8/2024- , hardware and deep learning based authentication, physically unclonable functions
  • Eliane Birba, PhD student, delwendeelianebirba[at]usf.edu, 8/2024- , medical image processing, co-advised by Dr. Yoga Balagurunathan (Moffitt Cancer Center)
  • Fawaz Abdul Razak, PhD student, fawaz243[at]usf.edu, 8/2023- , hardware and deep learning based authentication, RF fingperprinting
  • Md Mahmuddun Nabi Murad, PhD student, mmurad[at]usf.edu, 8/2023- , time series forecasting and anomaly detection
  • Nikolas Koutsoubis, PhD student, koutsoubis[at]usf.edu, 8/2023- , medical image processing, federated learning, co-advised by Dr. Ghulam Rasool (Moffitt Cancer Center)
  • Justin McMillen, PhD student, jmcmillen[at]usf.edu, 1/2023- , remote sensing, anomaly detection
  • Hamza Karim, PhD student, hamzakarim[at]usf.edu, 8/2022- , video anomaly detection, adversarial machine learning
  • Sabeen Ahmed, PhD student, ahmeds5[at]usf.edu, 8/2022- , medical image processing, Bayesian learning, co-advised by Dr. Ghulam Rasool (Moffitt Cancer Center)
  • Aakash Tripathi, PhD student, aakashtripathi[at]usf.edu, 8/2022- , medical image processing, multimodal data fusion, co-advised by Dr. Ghulam Rasool (Moffitt Cancer Center)
  • Furkan Mumcu, PhD student, furkan[at]usf.edu, 1/2022- , adversarial machine learning, video anomaly detection
  • Shatha Abudalou, PhD student, shathaa[at]usf.edu, 8/2021- , medical image processing, co-advised by Dr. Yoga Balagurunathan (Moffitt Cancer Center)

MS and BS Students

  • Muhammed Eshphaq Hossain, MS, 1/2025-, USF Electrical Engineering, Vision-Language Model Security
  • Caleb Fernandes, BS, 8/2024-, USF Computer Science and Engineering, Remote Sensing
  • Awwab Ahmed, BS, 8/2024-, USF Computer Science and Engineering, Maritime Computer Vision
  • Lokman Bekit, BS, 10/2022-, USF Electrical Engineering, Video Anomaly Detection


  • Bora San Turgut, Visiting PhD student, "Intelligent Maritime Transportation Systems", 8/2024-8/2025, USF
  • Motahareh Pourbehzadi, Visiting PhD student, "Energy Management and Cybersecurity in Smart Grid", 8/2019-8/2020, USF (next: PhD student at USF Business School, now: Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina at Greensboro)


  • Salman Sadiq Shuvo, PhD, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Optimization Techniques for Energy and Socioeconomic Systems", 1/2018-5/2023, USF (next job: Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
  • Madhusudhan Venkatarangaiah, MS, 8/2022-5/2023, USF Electrical Engineering, Medical Image Processing
  • Mohamed Gadalla, BS, 12/2022-5/2023, USF Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing
  • Anil Mumbuc, BS, 11/2022-5/2023, USF Computer Science, Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Shawn Sheng, BS, 10/2022-5/2023, USF Electrical Engineering, Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Timothy Nassar, BS, 9/2020-12/2020, USF Electrical Engineering, Video Anomaly Detection
  • Keval Doshi, PhD, "Video Anomaly Detection: Practical Challenges for Learning Algorithms", 8/2017-5/2022, USF (next job: Applied Scientist, Amazon Prime Video, Seattle, WA)
  • Almuthanna Nassar, PhD, "Adaptive Network Slicing in Fog RAN for IoT with Heterogeneous Latency and Computing Requirements: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach", 8/2017-8/2021, USF (next job: Postdoctoral Fellow, Moffitt Cancer Center → Senior Staff Data Scientist, Walmart Labs, Seattle, WA)
  • Mehmet Aktukmak, PhD, "Multimodal Data Fusion and Attack Detection in Recommender Systems", 8/2017-12/2020, USF (co-advised with Dr. Ismail Uysal, next job: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor → Senior AI Engineer, Intel, CA)
  • M. Necip Kurt, PhD, "Data-Driven Quickest Change Detection", 9/2016-6/2020, Columbia University (co-advised with Dr. Xiaodong Wang, next job: Research Scientist, Samsung → Research Scientist, Amazon)
  • Mahsa Mozaffari, M.Sc., "Online Nonparametric Anomaly Detection for High-Dimensional Systems", 8/2017-8/2020, USF (currently PhD student at Rochester Institute of Technology)
  • Muqbil Almuqbil, M.Sc., "Speaker Verification from Short Utterances", 8/2018-8/2020, USF (currently PhD student at USF)
  • Ammar Haydari, M.Sc., "Sequential Decision Making in Intelligent Transportation Systems", 8/2017-7/2019, USF (currently PhD student at University of California, Davis)
  • Abdullah Taher, M.Sc., "Sequential Joint Detection and Estimation", 1/2017-8/2018, USF, (currently PhD student at Penn State University)