Dr. Yilmaz has been recognized as Highly Ranked Scholar in Anomaly Detection by ScholarGPS, Top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide, Prior 5 years, [link]
New paper: "WPMixer: Efficient Multi-Resolution Mixing for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting", AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2025 [pdf]
Our group won the Managing Maritime Movements (M3) Hackathon! [link]
New paper: "Hardware and Deep Learning-Based Authentication Through Enhanced RF Fingerprints of 3D-Printed Chaotic Antenna Arrays", IEEE Access [pdf]
New paper: "Multi-Resolution Mixer Network for Localization of Multiple Sensors from Cumulative Power Measurements", IEEE WCNC 2025 [pdf]
4 papers accepted to WACV 2025 Workshops: "ComplexVAD: Detecting Interaction Anomalies in Video" [pdf], "FuseForm: Multimodal Transformer for Semantic Segmentation" [pdf], "Invisibility Cloak: Hiding Anomalies in Videos via Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks" [pdf], "Camera-based Intruder Detection and Monitoring of Ship Crew Work Hours" [pdf]
New patent: "System and method for online multivariate anomaly detection and localization", US-12174689-B1, Dec 24, 2024 [link]
New patent: "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Network Slicing in 5G for Intelligent Vehicular Systems and Smart Cities", US-12137030-B2, Nov 5, 2024 [link]
New paper: "DeepQCD: An end-to-end deep learning approach to quickest change detection", Journal of the Franklin Institute [pdf]
New paper: "Fast and Lightweight Vision-Language Model for Adversarial Traffic Sign Detection", Electronics [pdf]
Dr. Yilmaz has been recognized as one of the top 2% of the most cited researchers globally in his field by Stanford’s annual ranking.[link]
New paper: "Multimodal Attack Detection for Action Recognition Models", CVPR 2024 Workshops [pdf]
New grant: DOD , "Additively Manufactured Multidimensional Cryptographic Physically Unclonable Functions for Wireless System Security"
New paper: "Building Flexible, Scalable, and Machine Learning-Ready Multimodal Oncology Datasets", Sensors [pdf]
New paper: "Real-Time Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection", WACV 2024 [pdf]
New grant: DOD , "High resolution lidar and radar for machine learning-based terrain classification"
Best Paper Award at the IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE DSC) 2023 for our paper "Privacy-Preserving Video Understanding via Transformer-based Federated Learning". Congratulations, Keval! [photo]
Our recent graduate Dr. Keval Doshi received the prestigious 2023 Outstanding Dissertation Award! [link] [photo]
New paper: "Sequential Architecture-Agnostic Black-Box Attack Design and Analysis Pattern Recognition", Pattern Recognition [pdf]
Two papers accepted to the IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE DSC) 2023: "Privacy-Preserving Video Understanding via Transformer-based Federated Learning" [pdf] and "Semantic Video Transformer for Robust Action Recognition" [pdf]
New paper: "Time-Aware Distributed Sequential Detection of Gas Dispersion via Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks [pdf]
New paper: "Any-shot Learning from Multimodal Observations (ALMO)", IEEE Access [pdf]
New paper: "Self-Supervised Learning for Online Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Data Streams", Electronics [pdf]
New paper: "Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Transformer-based Video Semantic Embedding", CVPR 2023 Workshop on Learning With Limited Labelled Data for Image and Video Understanding [pdf] [supplementary]
New grant: Florida High Tech Corridor, "Personalized aphasia communication assistant (AI-Phasia)", [link]
New NSF grant: "SaTC: CORE: Medium: Physically Unclonable Wireless Systems (PUWS) for RF Fingerprinting and Physical Layer Security" [link]
New paper: "Towards Interpretable Video Anomaly Detection", WACV 2023 [pdf]
New paper: "Demand-side and Utility-side Management Techniques for Increasing EV Charging Load", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid [pdf]
New paper: "A Multi-object Deep Neural Network Architecture to detect Prostate Anatomy in T2-weighted MRI: Performance Evaluation", Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine [pdf]
New paper: "Detecting Dangerous Maritime Refugee Migration Paths through Cell Phone Activities", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data [pdf]
Congratulations to Salman, who received the Chih Foundation Research Award! [link]
New NSF-NIFA grant: "SitS: Wireless Soil Sensing and Advanced Data-Driven Analysis for Post-Wildfire Hazards and Recovery in Mountainous Landscapes"
New DOD grant: "Towards Ultra-High Performance Geodetic DEMs"
New paper: "RSU-Based Online Intrusion Detection and Mitigation for VANET", Sensors [pdf]
New NSF grant: "The BlueGreen Action Platform, connecting communities upstream and downstream to improve nitrogen management" [link]
New paper: "Some Methods for Addressing Errors in Static AIS Data Records", Ocean Engineering [pdf]
Our recent graduate Dr. Almuthanna Nassar joined Walmart Labs as a Senior Staff Data Scientist.
Our recent graduate Dr. Mehmet Aktukmak joined Intel as a Senior AI Engineer.
Dr. Yilmaz got tenured and promoted to Associate Professor.
Keval successfully defended his PhD dissertation and started to work at Amazon Prime Video as a Research Scientist. Congratulations, Dr. Doshi! [photo]
Our project "HOPE: Hospital Resource Optimizer for Pandemics and Emergencies" was a finalist at the 2022 Florida Blue Health Innovation Challenge. Congratulations, Salman! [link]
New DoD grant: "Object Detection, Tracking, and Identification in a Congested Environment Using Artificial Intelligence Enabled Algorithms"
New paper: "Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Based Healthcare Expansion Planning Considering Pandemic Events", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics [pdf]
Third place at the Robustness in Sequential Data Challenge at CVPR 2022 [link]
Salman will be doing an internship with Samsung Research this summer. Congratulations, Salman!
Paper accepted to IJCNN 2022 for oral presentation: "Reward Once, Penalize Once: Rectifying Time Series Anomaly Detection" [pdf]
Three papers accepted to CVPR 2022 Workshops: "Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks Against Video Anomaly Detection Systems" [pdf], "Federated Learning-based Driver Activity Recognition for Edge Devices" [pdf], "Multi-Task Learning for Video Surveillance with Limited Data" [pdf]
New paper: "Home Energy Recommendation System (HERS): A Deep Reinforcement Learning Method based on Residents' Feedback and Activity", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid [pdf]
New paper: "Online Privacy-Preserving Data-Driven Network Anomaly Detection", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
New paper: "Modeling and Simulating Adaptation Strategies against Sea-Level Rise using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [pdf]
Two papers accepted to WACV 2022: "A Modular and Unified Framework for Detecting and Localizing Video Anomalies" [paper] [supplementary]
and "Rethinking Video Anomaly Detection - A Continual Learning Approach" [paper] [supplementary]
Two papers accepted to the 53rd North American Power Symposium (NAPS): "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Optimal Perturbation for MPPT in Photovoltaics" [pdf] and "CIBECS: Consumer Input Based Electric VehicleCharge Scheduling for a Residential Home" [pdf]
New NSF grant: "Linking the Green Economy to the Blue Economy at the Coast" [link]
New paper: "Multimodal Data Fusion in High-Dimensional Heterogeneous Datasets via Generative Models", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing [pdf]
New NSF grant: "Real-Time Data-Driven Anomaly Detection for Complex Networks" [link]
First Place Award in the 2nd Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision" Reinforcement Learning Track, CVPR 2021" Congratulations to Keval! [link] [photo]
New paper: "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Network Slicing in 5G for Intelligent Vehicular Systems and Smart Cities", IEEE Internet of Things Journal [pdf]
Congratulations to Almuthanna, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation! [photo]
New paper: "Sequential Attack Detection in Recommender Systems", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [pdf]
New paper: "An Efficient Approach for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos", CVPR 2021 AI City Challenge [pdf]
New paper: "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Cost-Benefit Analysis for Hospital Capacity Planning", IJCNN 2021 [pdf]
Dr. Yilmaz will give a talk at HBCU Data Science Consortium's Speaker Series on Friday, 3/19/21. [flyer] You can register here.
We are co-organizing the Data Science and Advanced Analytics for Smart & Connected Communities special session at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2021).
Dr. Yilmaz will be an invited speaker at the American Statistical Association Florida Chapter's Annual Meeting on Friday, 4/2/21. [info]
New paper: "Online Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos with Asymptotic Bounds on False Alarm Rate", Pattern Recognition [pdf]
New paper: "Timely Detection and Mitigation of Stealthy DDoS Attacks via IoT Networks", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing [pdf][appendix]
Second Place Award in the IEEE BigData Cup Challenge "Global Road Damage Detection Challenge 2020" [link] Congratulations to Keval!
Our team is one of the winners of the NIST Challenge "Automated Streams Analysis for Public Safety Challenge - Part 1" [link] [interview]
New NSF grant: "Understanding and Combating Adversarial Spectrum Learning towards Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Networking" [link]
New paper: "Predictive Maintenance for Increasing EV Charging Load in Distribution Power System", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm) [pdf]
New paper: "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems [pdf]
Second place in the AI City Challenge 2020 - Traffic Anomaly Detection Track! Congratulations to Keval! [link]
One paper accepted to ICML 2020: "A Markov Decision Process Model for Socio-Economic Systems Impacted by Climate Change" [pdf]
One paper accepted to CVPR 2020 - AI City Workshop: "Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos" [pdf]
One paper accepted to CVPR 2020 - Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision: "Continual Learning for Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos" [pdf]
One paper accepted to CVPR 2020 - Visual Learning with Limited Labels Workshop: "Any-Shot Sequential Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos" [pdf]
New grant from DOT for our project "Autonomous Track Inspection System based on Passive Sensing and Anomaly Detection"
New grant from Cyber Florida for our project "Online Learning and Visualization for Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Privacy-Enhanced IoT Networks"
New paper: "Real-Time Nonparametric Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Settings", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence [pdf]
New paper: "Sequential Model-Free Anomaly Detection for Big Data Streams" , 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [pdf]
Best short paper honorable mention award from the RecSys 2019 conference! [link]
New paper: "Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Resource Allocation in Fog RAN for IoT With Heterogeneous Latency Requirements" , IEEE Access [pdf]
New paper: "Scenario Planning for Sea Level Rise via Reinforcement Learning" , IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) [pdf] Congratulations to Salman for his first publication!
New paper: "Dynamic Network Slicing for Fog Radio Access Networks" , IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) [pdf]
New paper: "A Probabilistic Framework to Incorporate Mixed-Data Type Features: Matrix Factorization with Multimodal Side Information" , Neurocomputing [pdf]
New paper: "Online Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Settings" , IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) [pdf]
New paper: "Secure Distributed Dynamic State Estimation in Wide-Area Smart Grids" , IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [pdf]
New paper: "Quick and Accurate Attack Detection in Recommender Systems through User Attributes" , ACM Conference on Recommender Systems [pdf]
We are now soliciting papers for the GlobalSIP 2019 Symposium SIGNAL PROCESSING AND MACHINE LEARNING FOR SOCIAL GOOD.
New paper: "RAPID: Real-time Anomaly-based Preventive Intrusion Detection", ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML 2019) [pdf]. Congratulations to Keval and Mahsa for their first publications!
Invited talk at the ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML 2019): "Quick and Accurate Detection and Mitigation of IoT-Empowered Cyberattacks"
New paper: "Feature Selection in Gait Classification of Leg Length and Distal Mass", Informatics in Medicine Unlocked [pdf]
New paper: "Timely Detection and Mitigation of IoT-based Cyberattacks in the Smart Grid", Journal of the Franklin Institute [pdf]
New paper at ICC 2019: "Resource Allocation in Fog RAN for Heterogeneous IoT Environments based on Reinforcement Learning". Congratulations to Almuthanna for his first publication! [pdf]
New paper at ICASSP 2019: "Latent Heterogeneous Multilayer Community Detection". [pdf]
1/10/19   New paper at the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing: "Anomaly Detection in Partially Observed Traffic Networks". [pdf]
12/15/18   Dr. Kevin Wang has presented our interdisciplinary work "Big Data Analytics and Crimes in the Community" at the 2018 Meeting of The American Society of Criminology. [slides]
12/5/18  Dr. Yilmaz is serving as Industry Presentation Co-chair for the IEEE Globecom 2020
11/7/18  Dr. Yilmaz gave an invited talk titled "Scenario Planning for Sea Level
Rise via Markov Decision Processes" at the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [slides]
9/12/18   Congratulations to Ammar for his first publication! His paper will appear at the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [pdf]
8/30/18   Our paper "Real-Time Detection of Hybrid and Stealthy Cyber-Attacks in Smart Grid" is accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [pdf]
4/3/18   Congratulations to Keval for winning two awards at the Hack-A-Bull hackathon!
3/26/18   The project website for our work Scenario Planning for Sea Level Rise in Tampa Bay is up and running:
3/26/18   We are presenting our progress and demoing the first version of our Game of Sea Level Rise at the NSF S&CC PI meeting co-located with the Smart Cities Connect Conference and US Ignite Application Summit. See our project website for more information.
2/5/18   Our paper "Distributed Quickest Detection of Cyber-Attacks in Smart Grid" is accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [pdf]
2/3/18   Our paper "Distributed Dynamic State Estimation and LQG Control in Resource-Constrained Networks" is accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks [pdf]
2/1/18  Dr. Yilmaz is serving as a guest editor for the special issue on AI-Enabled Cognitive Communications and Networking for IoT at the IEEE Internet of Things Journal
1/25/18  Deadline extended to 2/23/18 for the special issue on Machine Intelligence and Cyber Security for Cognitive Internet of Things [pdf]
12/10/17  Dr. Yilmaz is serving as a technical program committee member for the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2018
11/2/17  Dr. Yilmaz gave an invited talk titled "Nonparametric Sequential Change Detection for High-Dimensional Problems" at the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [slides]
10/26/17  Dr. Yilmaz is serving as a technical program committee member for the Data Analytics for Cyber Security Workshop [pdf]
10/10/17   Our paper "Mitigating IoT-based Cyberattacks on the Smart Grid" will appear at ICMLA 2017 [pdf][slides]
9/25/17  Interview with TAF Network (in Turkish)
8/26/17   New grant from NSF for our project "Agent-based Scenario Planning for a Smart & Connected Community against Sea Level Rise in Tampa Bay" [link]
8/10/17   Dr. Yilmaz is serving as guest editor for the special issue on Machine Intelligence and Cyber Security for Cognitive Internet of Things [pdf]
7/13/17   Dr. Yilmaz is serving as vice chair of the Special Interest Group on AI Embedded Cognitive Networks
7/2/17   New grant from SCEEE for our work "Online Nonparametric Cyber Attack Detection"
6/26/17  Interview at Envision Magazine about our cybersecurity research
5/22/17   Our paper "Online Nonparametric Anomaly Detection based on Geometric Entropy Minimization" will appear at ISIT 2017 [pdf]